Manifest 2023

Have you ever had dreams and wishes that you wanted to come true but didn’t know how to speak them into existence?

How about fantasizing about your dream job, getting a promotion, a life partner, financial abundance, passing an exam, weight loss, a healthy body, finding inner peace and being free from anxiety?

Did you know that manifestation involves imagining a positive outcome in life and has the ability to improve your mental well being and bring your those desires to fruition? 

Well, continue reading to learn more about what manifestation is, how to do it, and the benefits it brings to your daily life. Pretty soon, you’ll be manifesting your dreams, releasing any negative patterns in your subconscious mind, and bringing balance to your mind, body and spirit. 

What is manifestation?

Manifestation includes positive thinking and removing limiting thoughts and beliefs from our mindset. It means focusing on what you want to achieve and having your thoughts attract these desires to your life. 

Sounds like magic, doesn’t it? 

Though magical and powerful, it doesn’t just happen out of nowhere. it is important to note that manifestation requires a visioneffort, and action on your part. 

You are in control in creating a life you’ve always wanted and thinking believing it will help you get to that point. 

How do we manifest?

Our unconscious mind does not know the difference between imagination and reality so as long as we imagine something, the unconscious mind will want to bring truth to it.  Imagine the worst, and you are inviting negativity into your life.  Imagine your dreams and you will watch them manifest into reality.  

Additionally, the law of action states that action must be taken in order to create change in circumstance. So if you want to change something for the better in your life, taking action is just as important as believing in achieving this change. 

This is key to manifestation.  We must manifest through imagination and action for 30 days because it takes 30 days to rewire our minds and create new patterns of behavior.

Three Actionable Tools to Manifest

vision board is a collection of images, affirmations, and quotes that represent the dreams and goals you want to manifest. It gives you a visual of what you want to accomplish and by seeing these images in front of you, it brings focus to your desires – which is a powerful tool to reprogram your subconscious mind. Images should be goal-relevant and trigger positive emotional responses whenever you look at your vision board.

Journaling is a great writing platform to manifest your dreams and self-reflect on personal development. By writing your dreams and goals on paper, you can read them over and over to manifest these desires and direct your subconscious mind to focus on these goals. Journaling can also help with gratitude and feeling grateful for the things you already have. 

Meditation and manifestation go hand in hand. Meditating with an affirmation in mind helps you visualize your dreams and reprograms your brain for more positive beliefs into your own capabilities. There are so many benefits to meditation which include stress reduction, lower blood pressure, memory improvement, and anxiety management. 

Affirmations work best when the conscious mind is relaxed so that the critical mind does not block the positive thoughts.  Our minds are most relaxed right before going to sleep, right when we wake up and in a meditative state.

If you struggle to find clarity and balance surrounding your goals and are seeking Hypnosis in NYC or Hypnotherapy in New York City, or  Reiki sessions to balance your energy,or are seeking insight into your future through Turkish coffee readings and wish to learn how to do meditation, then reach out to us at Self Empowered Minds.  We can help strengthen your mind, empower positive beliefs you have, and help rebuild new patterns of belief to support healthier habits. With the help of our services, we support you in the best way possible to fill your life to the brim with love, happiness, family, friends, health, wealth, gratitude, and joy. 

Our mission is to help you find your inner greatness so you can Live Life Empowered!

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Self Empowered Minds - Hypnosis and Wellness 420 E 81st St, New York, NY 10028

Self Empowered Minds of NYC is more than just a hypnotherapy center.  We offer a complete holistic mind and body approach to bring energetic balance to the whole being.  Whether it is for struggles with anxiety, depression, stress, lack of confidence, overthinking, weight loss, sleep, addictive behaviors such as smoking or shopping or bad habits such as nail biting or hair pulling, our services bring solutions.  Hypnosis to rewire the unconscious mind; Reiki to release stress blockages and balance the chakras; Meditation to calm the mind; Biofeedback to determine and clear stress blockages at the organ level and recommend individual supplement plan; Nutritional Consultation to feed the mind and body; Fitness Programs for inner and outer strength; and Intuitive Readings and Strategic Counseling to gain insight and life coaching are all offered by our experts here at our New York City location on the Upper EastSide as well as remotely so you can naturally and rapidly make lasting changes. 

Contact Us: (917) 658-1660