Woman floating in dream like state with purple background


Breaking Through Blockages with Dreams

When we sleep, our conscious mind is asleep however, our subconscious mind remains awake. It is processing the day’s events and information it has acquired. Through our dreams, the subconscious mind is also predicting and warning us of future events expressed through our limiting beliefs.

Sigmund Freud emphasized the importance of dreams as a window into our unconscious and a manifestation of our deepest desires and anxieties as well as repressed childhood memories or obsessions.


Now, imagine if you could record your dreams and then have them analyzed! With our signature process, Dream Awakening, you are taken into an hypnotic state where you will then be entering into your dreams.  


This is an interactive process in which the practitioner will be asking questions such as “What do you see now?” and “How are you feeling?”  


There is significance to all that you are seeing and feeling.  The practitioner is looking for certain indications that will show blockages.  Once the blockage is recognized, the practitioner, speaking to the subconscious mind, will work towards releasing the blockages, fears, and limiting beliefs by tapping into your higher brain.  


Once you return from the hypnotic state, the practitioner will enlighten you with the findings explaining to you the symbolic meanings.  This is much like the analysis of a dream.  You’ll also understand how, during the process, the practitioner was negotiating with the subconscious mind to guide it beyond the blockages.


This Dream Awakening process is always fascinating, enlightening and life changing.  It is often performed in our Multi-Modality Hypnosis and, for best results, is generally performed after experiencing at least a few sessions.


With our signature process, Dream Awakening, you are taken into an hypnotic state where you will then be entering a dream state.  This is an interactive process in which the practitioner will be asking questions such as “What do you see now?” and “How are you feeling?”  There is significance to all that you are seeing and feeling.  The practitioner is looking for certain indications that will show blockages.  Once the blockage is recognized, the practitioner, speaking to the subconscious mind, will work towards releasing the blockages.  


Once you return from the hypnotic state, the practitioner will enlighten you with the findings explaining to you the symbolic meanings.  This is much like the analysis of a dream.  You’ll also understand how, during the process, the practitioner was negotiating with the subconscious mind to guide it beyond blockages.


This Dream Awakening process is always fascinating, enlightening and life changing.  No two Dream Journeys are alike.  Here is a snippet sample of a Dream Journey.  Fake names are being used to respect the privacy of our client:

Jane comes from an upper middle class family in which, growing up, the father was a functioning alcoholic.  Though Jane and her sibblings were well aware of their father’s problem, it was never spoken about in the home let alone outside the home.  Friends were strictly restricted from coming over in fear that their father may at any time walk in the door plastered.  The girls didn’t mind because they feared the embarrassment knowing that when he was drunk, he was aggressive and nasty.  

In the Dream Journey, Jane walks into a home and inside the home is another home.  A house within a house.  She sees her future self in the kitchen caring for two children.  Suddenly she begins to cry inconsolably, “Something happened to Tom (her husband).   He’s not there.  I don’t know what happened.  He’s not coming back”

In the Dream Awakening process, the visions feel very real eventhough the client is fully aware that they’re in hypnosis.  At this point, we tap into the higher brain, where our inner genius resides, asking to give Jane guidance.  “I need to go to the outer house.”  She goes to the outer house.  “My friends are here.  My mother and father are there.  They’re apologizing. My husband, Tom, is also there saying I’ve been here all along.”

Looking out the window, she sees green grass and shrubs in the nearby.  She also sees a white fence surrounding the garden and tall trees with large trunks in the distance beyond the fence.  The green grass and shrubs indicated that she was still feeling limited but there’s definitely growth and hope.  The trees are indicative of growth and success but because they are at a distance and beyond the fence, it’s what she desires but is not certain if she is deserving or if it is even a possibility for her.  When I ask what is on the other side of the fence, Jane said she couldn’t see because the trees were obstructing the view.  The obstruction of the  trees and the fence were her subconscious mind’s limiting beliefs.  And so, once again tapping into her higher brain, we went beyond the fence and beyond her limiting beliefs to where her true potential lies…

What’s your subconscious mind’s limiting beliefs?  
Let’s dismiss the limitations and unite with Your True Potential!

Our mission is to help you find your inner greatness so you can Live Life Empowered!

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Self Empowered Minds - Hypnosis and Wellness 420 E 81st St, New York, NY 10028

Self Empowered Minds of NYC is more than just a hypnotherapy center.  We offer a complete holistic mind and body approach to bring energetic balance to the whole being.  Whether it is for struggles with anxiety, depression, stress, lack of confidence, overthinking, weight loss, sleep, addictive behaviors such as smoking or shopping or bad habits such as nail biting or hair pulling, our services bring solutions.  Hypnosis to rewire the unconscious mind; Reiki to release stress blockages and balance the chakras; Meditation to calm the mind; Biofeedback to determine and clear stress blockages at the organ level and recommend individual supplement plan; Nutritional Consultation to feed the mind and body; Fitness Programs for inner and outer strength; and Intuitive Readings and Strategic Counseling to gain insight and life coaching are all offered by our experts here at our New York City location on the Upper EastSide as well as remotely so you can naturally and rapidly make lasting changes. 

Contact Us: (917) 658-1660