LED Therapy

Shine the Light on your Health

Not just for the wrinkles! Though LED (Light-emitting diode) therapy is most commonly used on the skin of the face, it has tons of other healing benefits.
It utilizes wavelengths of light to induce the skin’s natural ability to heal itself. And because of the mind-body connection, what we do to the skin will affect the rest of the body.
Just as certain foods pair well with certain wines, our LED therapy is an unmatched complement to any Reiki session. While the spiritual nature of Reiki plays a crucial role in the physical and emotional healing process, LED therapy can add yet another dimension of

relaxation and healing to your experience.  With the LED Therapy option, you receive the benefits of LED throughout the time that you are receiving Reiki.

LED stands for light-emitting diode. You may think that this is a new technology however it’s actually been in use since the 1960s when NASA first developed it to help plant growth. Since then many healing benefits of LED Therapy were discovered.

Different wavelengths produce different colors which have different healing properties.

LED does not involve harmful UV rays so it is a completely safe therapy. LED Therapy is an excellent add-on to any Reiki session or as a service on its own.

Some benefits include helping with:

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