How it all started…

Hi!  I’m Saba Hocek, founder of Self Empowered Minds. I wanted to share a little bit about myself and what led me to pursue hypnosis.


From the age of ten and for the next ten years thereafter, I moved six times with each move not being just a new town or city but each time to a different country.  The experience was amazing but equally emotionally crippling.  Each move introducing new educational standards, languages, cultures and with each move I would leave behind close friendships that had formed and the need to create new friendships.


The more difficult part of the moves was trying to close the gaps of the different educational standards.  Due to language limitations, I was taken back one year but then skipped a year and a half in another school.  Teachers did not take the time to understand why I was struggling and assumed I was “incompetent” which they did not hold back in expressing to me.  I allowed myself to fall into this victim state.  Frankly, it was easier to be passed as the “incompetent” one than to have to work and prove myself.    


In my next move which would be my final two years of high school, I decided to change that image and prove to myself that I was indeed capable however, by this point I had gaps in my education the size of craters.  I worked sometimes 72 hours straight eating instant coffee by the spoon full to stay awake.  I made it – I finally got caught up and proved, most importantly, to myself and to others that I was indeed fully capable.  


This was the start of my passion to want to help people find their inner power.  


I went on to become a software applications developer.  Fresh out of college, my brother and I developed the first PC based reading system for the blind and visually impaired.  I loved the development and training the clients.  It was so wonderful to observe our system giving blind and visually impaired people a way to access printed material and thereby be more independent at home and at work.


My extensive software and systems development work with the mental health industry led me to realize the connection between the flow of computer logic and the human mind giving me a unique insight into healing.  My fascination for the brain, curiosity of my unusual intuition since childhood and desire to foster the inner power in others, drew me to pursue hypnosis and biofeedback.


My passion to empower others is what has made me an exceptional teacher, mentor and hypnotist and has led me to establish Self Empowered Minds so that you can Live Life Empowered.   I want more than anything for people to find their inner power – emotionally, physically and intellectually.  Too often a past experience, a statement made by another or an embarrassing moment robs us of our potential.  You can get that strength back and we’re here to help you discover it.

Saba Hocek will help you embrace your dreams

Our mission is to help you find your inner greatness so you can Live Life Empowered!

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Self Empowered Minds - Hypnosis and Wellness 420 E 81st St, New York, NY 10028

Self Empowered Minds of NYC is more than just a hypnotherapy center.  We offer a complete holistic mind and body approach to bring energetic balance to the whole being.  Whether it is for struggles with anxiety, depression, stress, lack of confidence, overthinking, weight loss, sleep, addictive behaviors such as smoking or shopping or bad habits such as nail biting or hair pulling, our services bring solutions.  Hypnosis to rewire the unconscious mind; Reiki to release stress blockages and balance the chakras; Meditation to calm the mind; Biofeedback to determine and clear stress blockages at the organ level and recommend individual supplement plan; Nutritional Consultation to feed the mind and body; Fitness Programs for inner and outer strength; and Intuitive Readings and Strategic Counseling to gain insight and life coaching are all offered by our experts here at our New York City location on the Upper EastSide as well as remotely so you can naturally and rapidly make lasting changes. 

Contact Us: (917) 658-1660

Company Email: [email protected]